How it Works

Block Bookings
Have your weekly routine, know what day you want to attend?
If so this is the best option for you.
4 week monthly book bookings working out at 6.50 per class.
But don't worry if you can't make it one week just let me know in advance and you can swap to any other class in that same booking period.

Multiple Class Booking
Want to up your game and attend more than 1 class per week?
If so, once you've made your initial booking you can then book any additional classes at our 'Multiple Class' discounted rate.
Working out at just 3.50 when block booking.

Pay as you Go
Do you want a bit more flexibility? Fancy attending a different day each week?
Some weeks do you want to attend more than one class?
If so you can Pay As You Go on all of our classes, at just 7 or 4 if your attending more than 1 class that week.